Masonic Dictionary

The Masoniscope

Of the five senses, the first three; hearing, seeing and feeling “are deemed most essential by Masons” for reasons which all Master Masons understand. Masonry teaches more by hearing than by seeing. “The attentive ear […]

Masonic Dictionary

Earliest Masonic Magazine

The earliest Masonic magazine was published at Leipzig in 1738 and named Der Freimaurer. The second, in 1742, was Der bedachtiae Freimaurer, at Hamburg, and then the Aufmerksamn Freimaurer, 1743, at Gorlitz, according to Brother […]

Masonic Dictionary


A heroic family, whose patriotism and valor form bright pictures in the Jewish annals. The name is generally supposed to be derived from the letters M. C. B. I. which were inscribed upon their banners […]

Masonic Dictionary

Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection

The Ineffable Degrees The first portion of the Scottish Rite system of degrees is called The Lodge of Perfection. This series of degrees includes the 4th° through to the 14th° and are referred to as […]

Masonic Dictionary

The Lansdowne Manuscript

This version of the Old Charges is of very early date, about the middle or latter half of the sixteenth century, as these Free Masons Orders and Constitutions are believed to have been part of […]

Masonic Dictionary

The Ancient Landmarks

In the early Anglo Saxon, German, or Scandinavian languages the noun land meant the same as in modern English, although as a verb it meant come to land, a meaning reflected in our custom of […]

Masonic Dictionary


As the city of York claims to be the birthplace of Freemasonry in England, the obscure little village of Kilwinning is entitled to the same honor with respect to the origin of the Order in […]