October 15, 2024
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Presentation of the Masonic Apron

    by Bro. John W. Wells, Iowa IN presenting the Apron to a Brother, we say that it is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    The Ancient Landmarks – abusing them

    By W. Bro. Dan Ellnor Masonry is an old and entrenched institution. We have established a number of immutable laws which we call Landmarks. These Landmarks have helped to keep Masonry from being swayed by [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    York Rite Vs. English Rite

    By Bro. Wm. F. Kuhn It has been stated that “A Rite in Freemasonry is a collection of grades or degrees always founded on the First three degrees.” This definition is wholly misleading, and constitutes [...]

Latest Templar History Video

Templar History

Saladin and the Templars
Templar History

Saladin and the Templars: A Clash of Titans

Saladin and the Templars Introduction: Salah al-Din Yusuf bin Ayub, commonly known as Saladin, was a towering figure in the medieval world. As the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, he rose to prominence as the […]

Bernard of Clairvaux - Council of Troyes
Templar History

Bernard of Clairvaux

Above: Bernard of Clairvaux by Alan Butler Born Fontaine de Dijon France 1090 Died Clairvaux, near Troyes, Champagne France August 20th 1153 Bernard of Clairvaux may well represent the most important figure in Templarism. In […]

The Crusades

Pope Urban II
The Crusades

Pope Urban II – 1042 – 1099

Above: Pope Urban II by Thesupermat – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Pope Urban II, the man who was ultimately responsible for the launch of the first Crusade was born Odo de Lagery, although […]

True Cross
The Crusades

The True Cross – a Holy relic

Above: The Finding of the True Cross, Agnolo Gaddi, Florence, 1380 One of the outcomes of the Crusades was the production of many religious relics. Among these alleged instruments of Divinity the more common ones […]

Causes of the Crusades
The Crusades

The Causes of the Crusades

Publisher’s Note: The following material on the Causes of the Crusades is an excerpt from an article on the Rite of Strict Observance by By Burton E. Bennett, published in the 1920s. It is presented […]

Templar Mysteries

Baphomet enigma
Templar Mysteries

Baphomet:The Abufihamat Theory

Baphomet, as a name, has been labeled as Old French or even a mispronunciation for Mahomet (Mohammed) the Islamic prophet. It is unlikely that the Baphomet idol, if it even existed was an idol of […]

Alan Butler - Templars Founding Switzerland - rosslyn revealed
Templar Mysteries

Templars Founding Switzerland? An Interview With Alan Butler

An Interview with Alan Butler co-author of The Warriors and the Bankers on the Templars Founding Switzerland. To answer the question, Did the Templars found Switzerland, brought forward in The Warriors and Bankers written by […]

Modern Day Templarism

in hoc signo vinces
Modern Templars

In Hoc Signo Vinces

“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” Latin for “In this sign, you shall conquer,” is a phrase with historical significance that has been associated with Christianity and the Knights Templar. The origin of this motto can be […]

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