October 21, 2024
  • Masonic Dictionary

    The Cryptic Rite

    The Cryptic Rite The Council of Royal and Select Masters is referred to as Cryptic Masonry and takes its name from the word Crypt having its origins in the Greek language meaning a concealed place [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    William Morgan – The Morgan Affair

    Perhaps the most romantic story of Freemasonry, the fuel which the alleged abduction and murder of William Morgan supplied to the anti- Masonic hysteria of a hundred years ago, and the gradual emergence of the [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Emulation Lodge of Improvement

    At the time of the Union of the English Lodges in 1813, a Lodge of Reconciliation was constituted with an equal number of chosen workers from each Constitution for the purpose of arranging a uniformity [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Masonic Dictionary A

    AFFILIATE Filius is Latin for son, filia for daughter; the prefix “af” is a form of the Latin ad, meaning to add to. To be affiliated means therefore to be adopted into a family as [...]
  • Templar Grand Masters - Jacques de Molay
    Templar History

    The Templar Grand Masters

    The Templar Grand Masters – Overview and entourage Within the Templar hierarchy, the Grand Master was absolute ruler of the Order and answerable only to the pope. Although his position was a powerful one, he [...]

Latest Templar History Video

Templar History

Templar History

The Templar Round Church in London

Left: The restored Templar Round Church in London.  In 335 AD, St. Helena, Emperor Constantine’s mother, discovered the Sacred Cave where Jesus Christ was buried after His crucifixion on Golgotha. Interestingly, this site was previously […]

Vexillum Belli - Beauseant
Templar History

The Beauseant: Albert Mackey’s Article

Publisher’s Note: Many of the writings of early Masonic historians took considerable liberties with Templar History, connecting their lineage to the Freemasons. As such, we present this information on the Beauseant as a record of […]

The Cistercians
Templar History

The Cistercians

Above: The Cistercians built Melrose Abbey:  JeremyA under CC BY-SA 2.5 The Knights Templar are known to history as the warrior monks, but what is not as commonly known is the kinship the Order shared […]

The Crusades

Teutonic knights
The Crusades

The Teutonic Knights

The Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s Hospital of Jerusalem was one of the three great religious and military orders produced by the Crusades. It was founded during the third Crusade, and was the last one […]

Chronology of the Crusades
The Crusades

Chronology of the Crusades

The following Chronology of the Crusades is a brief overview of the various crusades, together with dates and details on each. The Crusades, a series of religious and military campaigns launched by Western Christians between […]

Causes of the Crusades
The Crusades

The Causes of the Crusades

Publisher’s Note: The following material on the Causes of the Crusades is an excerpt from an article on the Rite of Strict Observance by By Burton E. Bennett, published in the 1920s. It is presented […]

Templar Mysteries

The Larmenius Charter:
Templar Mysteries

The Larmenius Charter

The Larmenius Charter is a legendary document that has captured the imagination of Freemasons and researchers for centuries. According to the myth, the charter was written in 1646 by Johannes Marcus Larmenius, who claimed to […]

Baphomet enigma
Templar Mysteries

Baphomet:The Abufihamat Theory

Baphomet, as a name, has been labeled as Old French or even a mispronunciation for Mahomet (Mohammed) the Islamic prophet. It is unlikely that the Baphomet idol, if it even existed was an idol of […]

rosslyn chapel - rosslyn Ground Scans
Templar Mysteries

Rosslyn Chapel: A Legacy in Stone

Anne Burgess / Rosslyn Chapel a legacy in stone / CC BY-SA 2.0 by Dr. Karen Ralls © 2003 Near Edinburgh, Scotland, stands Rosslyn Chapel, one of the most ornately-carved 15th century medieval stone chapels in all of Europe. […]

Modern Day Templarism

Masonic Knight Templar Swords
Modern Templars

Masonic Knight Templar Swords

PLEASE NOTE We do not give, nor are we qualified to give, appraisals on your fraternal Masonic Knight Templar swords.  One of the most frequent questions we receive in our email box comes from people […]

Templar Regalia - masonic templarism
Modern Templars

Templar Regalia of the Freemasons

The regalia worn by the modern day Masonic Knights Templar is a harsh departure from that worn by the Templars of the middle ages. The sharpest contrast is in the amount of ornamentation on the […]

Rite of Strict Observance
Modern Templars

The Rite of Strict Observance

The Rite of Strict Observance by Burton E. Bennett The Strict Observance: An Overview The system of the Strict Observance grew out of what is known as Templarism. Templar Masonry commenced to grow up in […]

Popular Templar Content

Siege of Ascalon
Templars burning at the stake
Battle of Arsuf
Templar Grand Masters - Jacques de Molay

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