July 27, 2024
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Rosicrucians and Freemasonry

    By Bro. John G. Keplinger, Illinois There is, perhaps, no more interesting theory of the origin of Freemasonry than that given by DeQuincey, in his essay on “Rosicrucians and Freemasons.” This account is an expansion [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Medieval Masonry

    There is and has been much loose talking as to the Operative Craft of Masonry during the Middle Ages. An admitted connection of the long-lived guild or association of builders with the later Speculative society, [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    The Bavarian Illuminati

    A secret society, founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, who was Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt. Its founder at first called it the Order of the Perfectibilists; but he subsequently [...]
  • William Marshall
    Templar History

    William Marshall – The Flower of Chivalry

    Above: William Marshall statue by Kjetilbjørnsrud by Alan Butler  Anyone seriously interested in the Knights Templar is likely, at some time in their life, to make a pilgrimage to London, there to visit the district [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    National Masonic Research Society

    Right: George Schoonover was the man who started The National Masonic Research Society, which published the Masonic periodical The Builder from 1915 – 1930. Organized in Iowa, 1914, the Society commenced the publication of the Builder, January, [...]

Latest Templar History Video

Templar History

The Knights Templar - Knights Templar Clothing - Templar Hierarchy
Templar History

The Templar Hierarchy

The following article on Templar Hierarchy is intended as an overview. Please keep in mind that as the Order grew in size and scope, new positions were created. The Grand Master The Grand Master was […]

Templar Era Popes - massacre at worms
Templar History

Templar Era Popes: a chronology and overview

During the eventful span of two centuries, from the First Crusade to the tragic execution of Jacques de Molay, 37 distinguished individuals ascended to the position of Pope, holding the sacred keys of St. Peter […]

Templars and Cyprus
Templar History

The Templars and Cyprus

To understand the connection between the Templars and Cyprus, it is important to explore the events leading up to the Third Crusade. On July 4th, 1187, Saladin successfully defeated the armies of Guy of Lusignan […]

The Crusades

True Cross
The Crusades

The True Cross – a Holy relic

Above: The Finding of the True Cross, Agnolo Gaddi, Florence, 1380 One of the outcomes of the Crusades was the production of many religious relics. Among these alleged instruments of Divinity the more common ones […]

Children's Crusade
The Crusades

The Children’s Crusade

Above: The Children’s Crusade, by Gustave Doré The Legend of the Children’s Crusade: A Romantic yet Tragic Tale of Religious Fervor Although the Chronicles of the Crusades often overlook it, the legend of the Children’s […]

Knights Hospitaller
The Crusades

The Knights Hospitaller

The Knights Hospitaller, known officially as “Knights of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem,” was founded at Jerusalem during the first Crusade. It has been known also as “Knights of Rhodes”, […]

Templar Mysteries

Templars and the Shroud of Turin
Templar Mysteries

The Templars and the Shroud of Turin

Any discussion of the Templars and the Shroud of Turin is bound to be controversial. Those who view this sacred and holy relic fall into two camps, those that believe it to be the undisputed […]

Grand Master Jacques deMolay - Bearded Head of the Templars
Templar Mysteries

The Bearded Head of the Templars

Many accusations were leveled against the Knights Templar during the trials that the Order worshiped a Bearded Head of the Templars. The question remains as to what this head was and what was its significance […]

baphomet origins
Templar Mysteries

Baphomet origins: A “Mystery” Solved At Last?

Baphomet origins: A “Mystery” Solved At Last? by Kevin Bold Sooner or later every student of either the esoteric or the history of the Crusades encounters the name of an allegedly sinister entity known as […]

Modern Day Templarism

Masonic Knights Templar - York Rite
Modern Templars

The York Rite Degrees of Freemasonry

Below a video on the York Rite. Freemasonry is a renowned and enigmatic fraternal organization that has captivated the minds of countless individuals for centuries. Within this vast and intricate realm of Masonic teachings lies […]

Masonic Knight Templar Swords
Modern Templars

Masonic Knight Templar Swords

PLEASE NOTE We do not give, nor are we qualified to give, appraisals on your fraternal Masonic Knight Templar swords.  One of the most frequent questions we receive in our email box comes from people […]

Templar Regalia - masonic templarism
Modern Templars

Masonic Templarism, a short history

A Short History Of The Early Days Of Masonic Templarism by Stanley C. Warner LARGE numbers of our members and, in fact, many of our Templar speakers, are still imbued with the fiction that modern […]

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Templars burning at the stake
Battle of Arsuf
Templar Grand Masters - Jacques de Molay

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