October 21, 2024
  • The Templar Papers
    Templar Reviews & Interviews

    The Templar Papers

    Order The Templar Papers: Ancient Mysteries, Secret Societies, And the Holy Grail from amazon.com. Edited By Oddvar Olsen Paperback: 254 pages Publisher: New Page Books Language: English ISBN: 1564148637 Oddvar Olsen is no stranger to readers of [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Stuart Masonry

    This title is given by Masonic historians to that system of Freemasonry Which is supposed to have been invented by the adherents of the exiled House of Stuart for the purpose of being used as [...]
  • Solar Temple
    Modern Templars

    Solar Temple Cult, the tragedy

    Solar Temple Cult, the tragedy – by Stephen Dafoe © 2002 It was in 1120 AD that nine knights met in Palestine under the noble purpose of protecting Christian pilgrims on route to the Holy [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Goose and Gridiron

    An alehouse with this sign, in St. Paul’s Church Yards London. In 1717 the Lodge of Antiquity met at the Goose and Gridiron, and it was there that the first Quarterly Communication of the Grand [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    The Harleian Manuscript

    An old record of the Constitutions of Freemasonry, so called because it forms No. 2054 of the collection of manuscripts in the British Museums which were originally collected by Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford, the [...]

Latest Templar History Video

Templar History

Knights Templar Seal - Templars and the Ark of the Covenant - SMOTJ
Templar History

The Knights Templar Seal

Before delving into the seal that has become synonymous with the Knights Templar, it is crucial to understand the purpose of such seals. During the Middle Ages, affixing a seal to a document was the […]

Battle of Arsuf
Templar History

The Battle of Arsuf

The Battle of Arsuf: Within a week of the Muslim victory at Hattin on July 4, 1187, the port city of Acre surrendered to Saladin’s army. Within a month, Toron, Sidon, Gibelet, and Beirut also […]

Templars and Tomar
Templar History

The Templars and Tomar

Tomar, a picturesque town located in central Portugal, holds a significant place in the history of the Knights Templar. Known as the “City of the Templars,” Tomar served as a headquarters and stronghold for the […]

The Crusades

Pope Urban II
The Crusades

Pope Urban II – 1042 – 1099

Above: Pope Urban II by Thesupermat – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Pope Urban II, the man who was ultimately responsible for the launch of the first Crusade was born Odo de Lagery, although […]

Teutonic knights
The Crusades

The Teutonic Knights

The Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s Hospital of Jerusalem was one of the three great religious and military orders produced by the Crusades. It was founded during the third Crusade, and was the last one […]

Children's Crusade
The Crusades

The Children’s Crusade

Above: The Children’s Crusade, by Gustave Doré The Legend of the Children’s Crusade: A Romantic yet Tragic Tale of Religious Fervor Although the Chronicles of the Crusades often overlook it, the legend of the Children’s […]

Templar Mysteries

scottish rite - mystic ladder
Modern Templars

The Mystic Ladder

Publisher’s Note: Many of the writings  of early Masonic historians took considerable liberties with Templar History, connecting their lineage to the Freemasons. As such, we present this information on the mystic ladder as a record […]

history of baphomet
Templar Mysteries

History of Baphomet – The Baphomet Mythos

Central to the accusations brought against the Knights Templar was that they worshipped an idol, said to have taken the form of a head or sometimes a black cat. The Fifth category of accusations states […]

Grand Master Jacques deMolay - Bearded Head of the Templars
Templar Mysteries

The Bearded Head of the Templars

Many accusations were leveled against the Knights Templar during the trials that the Order worshiped a Bearded Head of the Templars. The question remains as to what this head was and what was its significance […]

Modern Day Templarism

Good Templars
Modern Templars

The Good Templars

The Independent Order of Good Templars One day in 1832 Joseph Livesey made a conscious decision that he wouldn’t drink any more alcohol. To make it a solemn vow he and seven fellow workmen signed […]

Rite of Strict Observance
Modern Templars

The Rite of Strict Observance

The Rite of Strict Observance by Burton E. Bennett The Strict Observance: An Overview The system of the Strict Observance grew out of what is known as Templarism. Templar Masonry commenced to grow up in […]

Templar Motors
Modern Templars

Templar Motors Company, a brief history

Above: Templar Motors Company Templar Sportette Templar Motors Company by Stephen Dafoe Reprinted From The Scottish Rite Journal March April – 2006 The “Templar Vitalic Top-Valve Motor,” a luxury car of its day, put out […]

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Siege of Ascalon
Templars burning at the stake
Battle of Arsuf
Templar Grand Masters - Jacques de Molay

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