February 11, 2025
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Masonic Dictionary – B

    BALLOT In the election of candidates, lodges use white and black balls, and no person can be “admitted a member of a private lodge, or made a Mason therein if two black balls appear against [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    The York Legend

    The City of York, in the North of England, is celebrated for its traditional connection with Freemasonry in that kingdom. No topic in the history of Freemasonry has so much engaged the attention of modern [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Prestonian Lecture

    In 1818, Brother Preston, the author of the Illustrations of Masonry, bequeathed £300 in Consols, the interest of which was to provide for the annual delivery of a lecture according to the system which he had [...]
  • No Picture
    Masonic Dictionary

    Quator Coronati: Four Crowned Martyrs

    Quator Coronati: Four Crowned Martyrs Christian marytrs who became associated with Freemasonry via the operative stonemasons. Also known by the Latin name Quator Coronati, a name associated with a research group in England. – Source: [...]

Latest Templar History Video

Templar History

Templar Era Popes - massacre at worms
Templar History

Templar Era Popes: a chronology and overview

During the eventful span of two centuries, from the First Crusade to the tragic execution of Jacques de Molay, 37 distinguished individuals ascended to the position of Pope, holding the sacred keys of St. Peter […]

The Knights Templar - Knights Templar Clothing - Templar Hierarchy
Templar History

The Knights Templar

The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, or, as it is otherwise called, Knights Templar, was founded in Palestine in the 12th century by the Crusaders. The Order […]

Battle of Montgisard
Templar History

The Battle of Montgisard

Above Battle of Montgisard by Charles-Philippe Larivière Battle of Montgisard by Stephen Dafoe The following article, part one in a series on Templar Battles, is adopted from Stephen Dafoe’s book Nobly Born: An Illustrated History […]

The Crusades

Teutonic knights
The Crusades

The Teutonic Knights

The Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s Hospital of Jerusalem was one of the three great religious and military orders produced by the Crusades. It was founded during the third Crusade, and was the last one […]

Causes of the Crusades
The Crusades

The Causes of the Crusades

Publisher’s Note: The following material on the Causes of the Crusades is an excerpt from an article on the Rite of Strict Observance by By Burton E. Bennett, published in the 1920s. It is presented […]

Templar Mysteries

Baphomet theories
Templar Mysteries

Atbash Cipher Theory and Baphomet

In order to understand the Atbash Cipher theory, as it relates to the Baphomet mythos, it is first important to examine the origins of the code. As early as 500 BC Scribes writing the book […]

history of baphomet
Templar Mysteries

History of Baphomet – The Baphomet Mythos

Central to the accusations brought against the Knights Templar was that they worshipped an idol, said to have taken the form of a head or sometimes a black cat. The Fifth category of accusations states […]

Rosslyn carving's Templar connection
Templar Mysteries

Rosslyn Carving’s Templar connection

The enigmatic carving discovered at Rosslyn Chapel has been a subject of fascination for many, leading to various speculations of the Rosslyn carving’s Templar connection. This carving (shown above) features what appears to be two […]

Modern Day Templarism

in hoc signo vinces
Modern Templars

In Hoc Signo Vinces

“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” Latin for “In this sign, you shall conquer,” is a phrase with historical significance that has been associated with Christianity and the Knights Templar. The origin of this motto can be […]

Templar Motors
Modern Templars

Templar Motors Company, a brief history

Above: Templar Motors Company Templar Sportette Templar Motors Company by Stephen Dafoe Reprinted From The Scottish Rite Journal March April – 2006 The “Templar Vitalic Top-Valve Motor,” a luxury car of its day, put out […]

Chivalry for Children
Modern Templars

Chivalry for Children Program

Chivalry for Children by Allen Leddon “Chivalry is dead.” I’ve heard that a thousand times. I’ve said it myself. You’ve probably said it, too. But thinking about it, I’ve realized that what people generally mean […]

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Templars burning at the stake
Battle of Arsuf
Templar Grand Masters - Jacques de Molay

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