January 14, 2025
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Bible in Masonry

    Joseph Fort Newton BROTHER Toastmaster: Time is a river and books are boats. Many volumes start down that stream, only to be wrecked and lost beyond recall in its sands. Only a few, a very [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    Pennsylvania Work

    The method of Entering, Passing, and Raising candidates in the Lodges of Pennsylvania differs so materially from that practiced in the other States of the Union, that it cannot be considered as a part of [...]
  • Masonic Dictionary

    The Scottish Rite Consistory

    The meetings of members of the Thirty-second Degree, or Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, are called Consistories. The elective officers are, according to the ritual of the [...]
  • Masonic Knight Templar Swords
    Modern Templars

    Masonic Knight Templar Swords

    PLEASE NOTE We do not give, nor are we qualified to give, appraisals on your fraternal Masonic Knight Templar swords.  One of the most frequent questions we receive in our email box comes from people [...]
  • Vexillum Belli - Beauseant
    Templar History

    The Vexillum Belli

    Publisher’s Note: Many of the writings of early Masonic historians took considerable liberties with Templar History, connecting their lineage to the Freemasons. As such, we present this information on the Vexillum Belli as a record [...]

Latest Templar History Video

Templar History

Battle of Montgisard
Templar History

The Battle of Montgisard

Above Battle of Montgisard by Charles-Philippe Larivière Battle of Montgisard by Stephen Dafoe The following article, part one in a series on Templar Battles, is adopted from Stephen Dafoe’s book Nobly Born: An Illustrated History […]

Bernard of Clairvaux - Council of Troyes
Templar History

The Council of Troyes

The Council of Troyes © by Alan Butler We have only scant and sometimes contradictory accounts as to the actual ‘founding’ of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon. The evidence put […]

Templars and Cyprus
Templar History

The Templars and Cyprus

To understand the connection between the Templars and Cyprus, it is important to explore the events leading up to the Third Crusade. On July 4th, 1187, Saladin successfully defeated the armies of Guy of Lusignan […]

The Crusades

Children's Crusade
The Crusades

The Children’s Crusade

Above: The Children’s Crusade, by Gustave Doré The Legend of the Children’s Crusade: A Romantic yet Tragic Tale of Religious Fervor Although the Chronicles of the Crusades often overlook it, the legend of the Children’s […]

The Knights Templar - Knights Templar Clothing - Templar Hierarchy
Templar History

The Knights Templar

The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, or, as it is otherwise called, Knights Templar, was founded in Palestine in the 12th century by the Crusaders. The Order […]

Pope Urban II
The Crusades

Pope Urban II – 1042 – 1099

Above: Pope Urban II by Thesupermat – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Pope Urban II, the man who was ultimately responsible for the launch of the first Crusade was born Odo de Lagery, although […]

Templar Mysteries

Alan Butler - Templars Founding Switzerland - rosslyn revealed
Templar Mysteries

Templars Founding Switzerland? An Interview With Alan Butler

An Interview with Alan Butler co-author of The Warriors and the Bankers on the Templars Founding Switzerland. To answer the question, Did the Templars found Switzerland, brought forward in The Warriors and Bankers written by […]

About Rosslyn Chapel
Templar Mysteries

About Rosslyn Chapel

About Rosslyn Chapel The Collegiate Church of St. Matthew, commonly known as Rosslyn Chapel, is an architectural gem that dates back to the mid-15th century. Its construction was overseen by William Sinclair, the First Earl […]

Modern Day Templarism

Knights Templar - Templar Seal - Militi Templi Scotia
Modern Templars

Militi Templi Scotia

The Order incorporates Militi Templi Scotia, which is the historical Scottish title of the Order. The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, which is the International name. Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymilitani, the […]

in hoc signo vinces
Modern Templars

In Hoc Signo Vinces

“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” Latin for “In this sign, you shall conquer,” is a phrase with historical significance that has been associated with Christianity and the Knights Templar. The origin of this motto can be […]

Popular Templar Content

Siege of Ascalon
Templars burning at the stake
Battle of Arsuf
Templar Grand Masters - Jacques de Molay

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