The earliest Masonic magazine was published at Leipzig in 1738 and named Der Freimaurer.
The second, in 1742, was Der bedachtiae Freimaurer, at Hamburg, and then the Aufmerksamn Freimaurer, 1743, at Gorlitz, according to Brother Woodford (Renning’s Cyclopedia).
In 1783 the Freimaurerzeitung appeared at Berlin, having only a short existence of six numbers.
The Journal fur Freimaurer, which appeared in 1784 at Vienna, had a longer life of some three years.
In England, the first work of this kind was The Freemasons Magazine or General and Complete Library, begun in 1793, and continued until 1798.
In Ireland, in 1792, the Sentimental and Masonic Magazine appeared and ran to seven volumes (1792-5).
In France the Miroir de laverite seems to have been issued 1800-2, followed by Nermes in 1808.
In England the Freemason’s Quarterly Review commenced in 1834 and was continued until 1849, followed by the Freemasons Quarterly Magazine in 1853, which lived until 1858.
In 1873 a new Masonic Magazine was issued, but it had not a very long existence.
Of American Masonic magazines the earliest is the Freemasons Magazine and General Miscellany, published at Philadelphia in 1811.
An old and constant periodical devoted to Freemasonry was the Freemasonry’s Monthly Magazine, published by Charles W. Moore, at Boston. It was established in the year 1842.
– Source: Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry