Masonic Dictionary

Prestonian Lecture

In 1818, Brother Preston, the author of the Illustrations of Masonry, bequeathed £300 in Consols, the interest of which was to provide for the annual delivery of a lecture according to the system which he had […]

Masonic Dictionary

Pennsylvania Work

The method of Entering, Passing, and Raising candidates in the Lodges of Pennsylvania differs so materially from that practiced in the other States of the Union, that it cannot be considered as a part of […]

Masonic Dictionary

Palladium Masonry

An androgynous society, both sexes, of Masonic adoption, established, says Ragon, at Paris in 1737. It made great pretensions to high antiquity, claiming that it had its origin in the instructions brought by Pythagoras from Egypt into Greece, […]

Masonic Dictionary

The Orange Lodge

By Bro. J.L. Carson, Virginia The history of Ireland since the days when King John of England (1199 to 1216) “built several forts and settled the English Colony and Civil Government” there, has been one […]

Masonic Dictionary

Operative Masonry

Operative Masons We distinguish Operative Masons, builders of the Middle Ages, founders of Masonry, from Spectulative Masons, present members of the Fraternity, using the builders tools as emblems and symbols. The Latin for toil, or […]

Masonic Dictionary

National Masonic Research Society

Right: George Schoonover was the man who started The National Masonic Research Society, which published the Masonic periodical The Builder from 1915 – 1930. Organized in Iowa, 1914, the Society commenced the publication of the Builder, January, […]

Masonic Dictionary

National Grand Lodge

The Royal Mother Lodge of the Three Globes, which had been established at Berlin in 1740, and recognized as a Grand Lodge by Frederick the Great in 1744, renounced the Rite of Strict Observance in 1771, and, declaring itself […]

Masonic Dictionary

William Morgan – The Morgan Affair

Perhaps the most romantic story of Freemasonry, the fuel which the alleged abduction and murder of William Morgan supplied to the anti- Masonic hysteria of a hundred years ago, and the gradual emergence of the […]

Masonic Dictionary

Medieval Masonry

There is and has been much loose talking as to the Operative Craft of Masonry during the Middle Ages. An admitted connection of the long-lived guild or association of builders with the later Speculative society, […]