Masonic Dictionary

The Scottish Rite Consistory

The meetings of members of the Thirty-second Degree, or Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, are called Consistories. The elective officers are, according to the ritual of the […]

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Masonic Dictionary

The Roman Collegia

The Roman Collegia BY Bro. H. L. Haywood The origin of Modern Freemasonry has been traced by means of documents and other historical records to guilds of builders in the Middle Ages. These guilds in […]

Masonic Dictionary

The Old Charges

The Old Charges And What They Mean to Us By Bro. H. L. Haywood I. WHAT THE OLD CHARGES ARE I have just come from reading an article in one of the more obscure Masonic […]

Masonic Dictionary

Masonic Calendars

Masonic Calendars An explanation of dates used in various Masonic bodies -Source -Graphics Stephen McKim Many Masons are curious as to the different dates used in Freemasonry. This year craft lodges date the year, […]