scottish rite - mystic ladder
Modern Templars

The Mystic Ladder

Publisher’s Note: Many of the writings  of early Masonic historians took considerable liberties with Templar History, connecting their lineage to the Freemasons. As such, we present this information on the mystic ladder as a record […]

in hoc signo vinces
Modern Templars

In Hoc Signo Vinces

“In Hoc Signo Vinces,” Latin for “In this sign, you shall conquer,” is a phrase with historical significance that has been associated with Christianity and the Knights Templar. The origin of this motto can be […]

Rite of Strict Observance
Modern Templars

The Rite of Strict Observance

The Rite of Strict Observance by Burton E. Bennett The Strict Observance: An Overview The system of the Strict Observance grew out of what is known as Templarism. Templar Masonry commenced to grow up in […]

Masonic Knights Templar - York Rite
Modern Templars

The York Rite Degrees of Freemasonry

Below a video on the York Rite. Freemasonry is a renowned and enigmatic fraternal organization that has captivated the minds of countless individuals for centuries. Within this vast and intricate realm of Masonic teachings lies […]

Chivalry for Children
Modern Templars

Chivalry for Children Program

Chivalry for Children by Allen Leddon “Chivalry is dead.” I’ve heard that a thousand times. I’ve said it myself. You’ve probably said it, too. But thinking about it, I’ve realized that what people generally mean […]