The Colummn of Beauty
BY Bro. Edward B. Paul, P.G.M., British Columbia It is not often that the Beauty of Holiness and the Holiness of Beauty is described in language so true and so appropriate as in the following […]
BY Bro. Edward B. Paul, P.G.M., British Columbia It is not often that the Beauty of Holiness and the Holiness of Beauty is described in language so true and so appropriate as in the following […]
In the election of candidates, Lodges have recourse to a ballot of white and black balls. Some Grand Lodges permit the use of white balls with black cubes. However, the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge […]
AFFILIATE Filius is Latin for son, filia for daughter; the prefix “af” is a form of the Latin ad, meaning to add to. To be affiliated means therefore to be adopted into a family as […]
By Bro. H. A. Kingsbury, Massachusetts Kingsbury, Harold A.; born, Westfield, Mass., August 27, 1882; graduate in Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., 1907; graduate in Law, National University, Washington, D. C., 1910; […]
By Bro. F.C. Higgins, New York Our lodge is in every respect a symbolic workshop, furnished with all the tools belonging to the different grades of workmen, and with a trestleboard upon which are set […]
The publication of a number of Minute Books of old Lodges since it was written calls for a revision of the paragraph on ASHLAR, on page 107. In one of his memoranda on the building […]
by Bro. John W. Wells, Iowa IN presenting the Apron to a Brother, we say that it is more ancient than the Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, […]
APPRENTICE, ENTERED The First Degree of Freemasonry, in all the rites, is that of Entered Apprentice. In French it is called apprenti; in Spanish, aprendiz; in Italian, apprendente; and in German, lehrling; in all of […]
A Masonic Lodge is a symbol of the world as it was thought to be in the olden times. Our ancient Brethren had a profound insight when they saw that the world is a Temple, […]
By Bro. A.B. Leamer, Iowa The Altar has always had a conspicuous place in the religious life of the peoples of all ages. The Ark was the Altar that the Children of Israel carried with […]
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